Monday, September 29, 2008


1. 巫统副主席兼甲州首席部长拿督斯里莫哈末阿里:
消除贫 穷,而不是攻击友族。”

2. 巫青团团长兼教育部长拿督斯里希山莫丁:

3. 首相署部长拿督斯里莫哈末那芝里:

4. 半岛马来学生联合会署理主席赛安华赛莫哈末:

5. 巫统全国宣传主任丹斯里莫哈末达益:

( 资料来源:马来先锋报30-9-2008 )




锐明炮打诗杰敢怒敢言? 蔡锐明:小事才轰,大事噤声
Date: 2008-9-29 12:14:20 AM

(吉隆坡讯)马华总会长候选人拿督蔡锐明,今日讥讽其对手拿督翁诗杰,只在小事上敢怒敢言,没有在大事上敢怒敢言。 他揶揄翁诗杰,若能交出批评巫统的“成绩单”,才称得上敢怒敢言。 他说,他本身只记得,翁诗杰在“3万变3000”的学校维修拨款被干捞事件中,敢怒敢言的例子。 他说,他本身在大课题上展现敢怒敢言作风,而不只是在小事上敢怒敢言,例如于2005年反对政府重新推行新经济政策。
需要有智慧领导层 “如果翁诗杰能说出他几时批评巫统、纪录他何时批评过巫统,才来说敢怒敢言吧!” 蔡锐明强调,经济是华族的命脉,只有敢怒敢言并不够,重要的是针对大事敢怒敢言。 “我们要对大事,不是小事。” 蔡锐明也讽刺翁诗杰,终于放下自鸣清高的态度,在本月30日公布其竞选宣言。 “翁诗杰之前曾说,他不需要宣言。我高兴他同意发布竞选宣言,我们要了解他的竞选理念。 “我公布竞选宣言,是要和党代表分享我的愿景,没有愿景,何来前景?” 蔡锐明指出,马华除了要清白的领导层,也需要有智慧的领导层,而不只是敢怒敢言的领导层,以赢回民心。 “虽然一些马华党员表明可随时离开国阵,但是,我的立场是,现在不是离开国阵的时候。巫统与国大党是马华的历史性伙伴,在危机时离开,在道德上是不对的。” 他认为,马华应在308政治海啸后,与合作伙伴谈判交流,探讨如何赢回民心,马华中委也应讨论未来的计划。
翁诗杰:过气政客,也来呛声 (吉隆坡讯)“若干意欲‘回锅’的过气政客,竟也一改常态,洗心革面加入‘敢怒敢言’行列?” 马华副总会长拿督翁诗杰今日在其部落格指出,在308大选的冲击后,过气政客静极思动之余,蓦然一个急转身速变脸,竟也套上“敢怒敢言”的脸谱,摆出一副乱臣贼子的身段。 他说,过气政客举手投足,无一不是“敢怒敢言”的功架;呛声朝政的嗓子,也绝不比正牌“敢怒敢言”者逊色;骂劲之凶比起在野党,更有过之而无不及。
博取基层支持 “这种急速的政治变脸,蓦觉今是昨非的骤变,诚然令人感到纳闷万分。” 翁诗杰指出,洞察党情之士自是明了个中玄虚,知道此乃党内的选情使然,碍于标榜“敢怒敢言”的从政风格后市看起,身价暴涨,任何有志问鼎党职的党员同志,包括有志回锅的过气政客当然要从善如流,顺应这种人心的转变。 “饶有趣味的是,当他们换上“敢怒敢言”的脸谱,力陈施政弊端时,他们似乎患上选择性的健忘,浑然忘记今天自己抨击否定的何尝不是当年自己维护主张的?” 翁诗杰所言似乎暗喻某过气政客,为了即将来临的党选,竟以“敢怒敢言”形象示人,博取基层支持。

Jangan Guna Isu Perkauman Raih Sokongan

Tuesday, 30 September 2008 06:29am
©Utusan Malaysia (Digunakan dengan kebenaran)Oleh Suwarni Mokhtar dan Au Yeong HowKUALA LUMPUR 29 Sept. - Calon Presiden MCA, Datuk Chua Jui Meng diminta berhenti daripada menggunakan taktik lapuk yang berbau perkauman bagi meraih sokongan dalam pemilihan parti itu bulan depan.Pemimpin UMNO dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) berpendapat bekas Naib Presiden MCA itu sepatutnya mengetengahkan dasar-dasar baru untuk membantu kaum Cina dan bukan menggunakan isu sama seperti pembangkang.
Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam berkata, Jui Meng takut dengan bayang-bayangnya sendiri dan tiada idea baru sehingga terpaksa mengunakan taktik yang sama digunakan oleh DAP bagi meraih sokongan perwakilan.''Tidak perlu layan kenyataan macam ini. Pada masa sekarang, isu berbentuk perkauman tidak begitu disukai oleh orang ramai, jadi menggunakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) sebagai cara untuk meraih sokongan tidak lagi relevan dan ia merupakan satu taktik lapuk.''Dia sepatutnya memberi idea bagaimana cara mahu membantu masyarakat Cina untuk maju dan membasmi kemiskinan di kalangan kaum tersebut serta bukannya menghentam kaum lain,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.Beliau diminta mengulas kenyataan calon Presiden MCA itu yang mengumumkan manifestonya semalam dengan menggesa pelaksanaan DEB dikaji semula kerana ia kini sudah tidak lagi menjadi keperluan memandangkan orang Melayu telah berjaya.Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein pula mengingatkan calon pemilihan parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak membangkitkan isu sensitif dalam usaha mereka untuk meraih sokongan pada pemilihan parti masing-masing.Menurutnya, tindakan 'menjolok sarang tebuan' itu hanya menidakkan segala usaha pemimpin BN yang selama ini mahu menyatupadukan rakyat.''Kita faham ini ada kena mengena dengan pemilihan dalam parti masing-masing. Tetapi tindakan itu adalah tidak wajar kerana selepas ini, BN pun perlu berubah dan melalui transformasi.''Nasihat saya kepada calon yang mahu menang agar jangan keterlaluan sehingga menidakkan apa yang pemimpin BN sebelum ini telah bina,'' katanya.Menurutnya, calon parti komponen BN itu tidak sewajarnya mengikut rentak parti pembangkang yang memainkan isu perkauman dalam meraih sokongan.Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz pula berkata, seperti sudah menjadi trend pelbagai pihak pada masa ini cuba meraih sokongan dengan memainkan isu berkaitan orang Melayu.''Trend ini bukan sahaja tidak memberi manfaat malah merosakkan hubungan antara kaum.''Bagi saya, kenyataan ini datang daripada seseorang yang sudah tidak ada kuasa, yang sudah tidak diterima oleh masyarakat Cina itu sendiri dan cara untuk mendapat sokongan adalah dengan mengeluarkan kata-kata macam ini. Jadi, jangan layan lagi elok,'' ujarnya.Nazri turut menyatakan, usaha untuk membantu orang Melayu hanya akan terhenti sekiranya Perlembagaan dipinda kerana kerajaan melaksanakan usaha-usaha membantu kaum itu berdasarkan pada perkara yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan.''Hak sama rata kaum juga tidak diabaikan oleh kerajaan malah mereka bebas melakukan apa sahaja kerana ia turut termaktub dalam Perlembagaan selagi ia tidak menyentuh hak istimewa orang Melayu.''Di Malaysia sahaja yang kaum Cina dan India boleh mempunyai sekolah mereka sendiri tetapi tidak di negara lain,'' tambahnya.Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Senator Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib berkata, kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Jui Meng adalah sekadar untuk meraih undi dan tiada unsur keikhlasan.Jelasnya, walaupun sudah banyak orang Melayu kelas menengah, masih ramai lagi yang dibendung masalah kemiskinan.''Selagi orang Melayu perlu diberi bimbingan dalam mana-mana bidang, selagi itu ia akan terus menjadi matlamat kerajaan kerana ia sebahagian daripada keistimewaan Melayu seperti termaktub dalam Artikel 153 yang tidak ada tarikh luput,'' katanya.Oleh itu, katanya, tidak ada siapa boleh mempersoalkannya atau menimbulkan sebarang sentimen terhadap hak keistimewaan Melayu.Timbalan Menteri Usahawan dan Koperasi, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah pula berkata, pembangunan kaum Melayu yang agak tertinggal ke belakang berbanding kaum lain tidak boleh dinafi dan DEB diwujudkan bagi mengecilkan jurang perbezaan itu.''Kalau mahu jadi calon pun, jangan ghairah sangat sehingga mengenepikan sensitiviti orang Melayu demi kepentingan sendiri,'' katanya.Sementara itu, Presiden Pertubuhan Profesional Melayu, Profesor Datuk Dr. Kamarudin Kachar berkata, sebagai calon pemimpin MCA adalah komponen dalam BN, Jui Meng seharusnya mengambilkira semangat perpaduan antara kaum.''Kenyataan yang dikeluarkannya itu boleh mempengaruhi orang bawahannya dan seterusnya merosakkan semangat perpaduan yang lama terjalin di negara ini," jelasnya.Tambah beliau, DEB masih relevan malah ia juga adalah salah satu strategi untuk memupuk perpaduan rakyat bagi mengelak kejadian hitam rusuhan kaum 13 Mei daripada berulang kembali.''Kalau mahu betulkan ekonomi tidak salah, tetapi jangan sesekali diusik atau diungkitkan dasar ini kerana ia boleh menyebabkan keresahan di kalangan orang ramai.''Fikir sebelum bercakap, jaga perasaan kaum bumiputra dan elakkan perasaan iri hati kerana ia akan memburukkan lagi keadaan," ujarnya.Timbalan Presiden Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Syed Anuar Syed Mohamed berkata, kerajaan perlu mengkaji sama ada kenyataan Jui Meng itu perlu diambil tindakan atau tidak kerana ia boleh menggugat keamanan negara.''Ini penting bagi memberi amaran kepada pihak lain supaya tidak memainkan isu sensitif yang boleh menggugat suasana perpaduan negara demi kepentingan peribadi," tegasnya.Menurutnya, DEB tidak sepatutnya dijadikan isu terutamanya oleh pemimpin yang pernah berada di dalam Kabinet.''Beliau seharusnya faham dan mengetahui bahawa DEB telah lama wujud serta dipersetujui oleh semua kaum sejak penubuhannya lagi,'' ujar beliau.


28/09/2008 16:42:35


Sunday, September 21, 2008


































問: 今天的馬華處境如何?







2005 年,我和巫青團署理團長凱里在電視公開辯論新經濟政策,不會說敏感而不提,更提出若政府要恢復NEP之前,必須給華社知道馬來人在國家經濟的百分比,並設 立多元種族組成的特別委員會,研究各種族所持有的股權;若馬來人未達到30%,華社願意協助他們,但目標達致,NEP就必須結束。凱里也表示同意。

























答: 他們還未看到我的宣言,怎么可以說不認同我?為何年輕人會支持安華、林吉祥和哈迪阿旺?他們又多少歲呢?年輕人或許有聰明,但這不是智慧,智慧是經驗累積 而來。我在內閣9年看到很多在巫統部長面前不敢講話的部長,巫統資深部長的智慧太高,馬華必須要有一名內閣經驗豐富的部長來應對他們。











他說,2004年,他兒子被兩名匪徒綁架時,兒子在車上虔心祈禱,後來車子行駛到大使路交通圈時,瞬間車外浮現一道人型的白光把車門打開,然後說:“Keluar Sekarang!”,而他兒子奇蹟般地成功逃脫。



































敗北也不消失政壇 盼兒參政繼承父業











“表現超越道德” 大蔡暗挺小蔡






Chua: MCA needs a wise leader with experience

New Straits Times, 21st September 2008 Sunday
Touting himself as the voice of wisdom and experience, Datuk Chua Jui Meng is standing for the post of MCA president at party elections next month. He tells TAN CHOE CHOE why he is uniquely qualified to be party chief.
Q: What do you think is your advantage in this presidential race?

A: At a time of crisis, at a time when the party is deeply wounded, you need people of seniority and experience to lead the party and to articulate on major issues. I bring with me an involvement in politics starting from 1969, May 13 -- 39 years of involvement in student politics, MCA politics and national politics. I bring with me 15 years of experience in government, nine years of which was as a minister. I'm a person who's prepared to speak out clearly on matters which affect the Chinese community; matters of importance to the nation as a whole. I also have my performance in the Ministry of Health, which I took from being a backwater ministry to one that's highly respected in terms of administration, approach and care of the population.

Q: Some people say that you should stay retired rather than come back to active politics.

A: I wanted to retire from active politics after 2005. I asked the party to support (Datuk Seri) Ong Ka Ting when he won. I left him to lead the party, gave him and the deputy a chance to prove themselves. Before March 8 (general election), I still wanted to let the young people continue. But after the debacle, the party cannot wait another three years for reform. Otherwise, it'll become totally irrelevant, not only to the Chinese, but to the entire electorate. If I forsake my party now, history will record me as a person who did not care enough to want to change the party.

Q: You're not a minister now... are you facing any difficulty convincing the delegates that you can deliver what you promise?

A: Not so far. What strikes me in my walkabout with the central delegates is their realisation that they're in a hopeless condition. A window-dressing of four ministers in the government does not help. In the hearts of the central delegates, there is a great desire that MCA be transformed and they're looking for a leader who can do it. The fact that you're a minister does not mean that you have the solution. You are a minister because of the untoward event of March 8 where 65 per cent of our candidates were wiped out. In the name of making the party more youthful, so many senior candidates, people with a track record of winning, were taken out, including me.

Q: There are news reports that team you up with Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Are you on the same side?

A: I think people are still trying to locate their point of comfort. It will take a bit more time before something clearer emerges. Who will be linked with whom ... (it's) still not very clear.

Q: How is your relationship with Dr Chua?

A: My relationship with him has always been good.

Q: How about your relationship with Datuk Ong Tee Keat?

A: It used to be good. But he has not contacted me since I became marginalised (after his failed bid to unseat Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting). So I can't say.

Q: If not a formal team-up with Dr Chua, did you two strike a deal which led him to contest for the No 2 post and not the No 1 position?

A: I think he found his own level of comfort and he believes that No 2 is a good position for him.

Q: If you should win, how do you plan to revive MCA?

A: MCA has to put its house in order. It must first transform itself into a truly political party and not a social organisation. We have to address national politics that has caused BN as a whole to lose. Policies that are on the radar of the Malays, Chinese and the Indians.

Q: You said MCA should get rid of its fear of other parties within the BN. Does that mean you're going to redefine MCA's role in the coalition, especially in relation to Umno?

A: The MCA must be no more a party of expediency. It must be a party of principles. You must be prepared to talk on major issues. We need senior people, not necessarily in terms of age, but experience and wisdom, within the cabinet and state governments. The problem with MCA is that they (present leadership) equated intelligence with youth. They forgot the more important quality called wisdom. You have to be able to be on equal standing with Umno leaders. Umno has got senior, wise ministers. You have young (MCA) people in the cabinet without that wisdom, without that track record of speaking up on important issues. You (the present MCA leadership) now say you can do it, that you can sit there and debate with Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, negotiate with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and deal with Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar. I tell you, you're no match. You cannot have a Perodua running in a Grand Prix.

Q: Is MCA still going to stick with the policy of dealing with problems in the coalition behind closed doors?

A: No. We have to be more articulate. Every political party in the world has one unqualified right -- the right to disagree. You have the right to analyse, criticise and say no. What did we do? We took this right and we told Lim Kit Siang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, please take it. You dissent, we keep quiet.

Q: What's the first thing you want to do if you win?

A: If I'm the president after the votes have been counted, I'll stand in front of the camera and all the leaders of MCA in the nation, and raise my right hand and say, "I, Chua Jui Meng, president of MCA, will not be corrupt."

Q: Many say that presidential candidate Datuk Ong Tee Keat is a shoo-in. Many seem to have written you off even before you offered yourself.

A: ntv7 asked me why the party lost so much (in the March general election). I said "mou shi zai ren, cheng shi zai tian" (Men proposes, God disposes). Until the last vote is counted, do not count your chickens before they are hatched. The delegates are talking about change -- who can have the vision and ability to lead us. Who can transform not only the party, but also the fate of the Chinese community and balance the races of this country? Who has got the depth of experience?

Q: If you are to take over, will MCA become a plural party instead of a communal party?

A: Is there an alternative? There'll be 800,000 new voters in the next round and they're all young and net savvy. We have to be multiracial in philosophy and approach. But if I'm the president and open the doors to the Malays and Indians, why would they want to come in when we can't even get our house in order? But over time, we have to evolve into a multi-racial party. We have to change our outlook and look at ourselves as Malaysians.

Q: How has the last few years been for you?

A: Wonderful. I've been rejuvenated, re-energised and refreshed. I was marginalised but I was an MP and served wherever I could. If the general election had not gone the way it had, I'd be happy to retire. I know what it entails for the next president. It will be the most difficult presidency in the history of the party. You have to use here (points to head) and here (heart) to rebuild the party, return it to relevance, and to achieve vision 2020.

Friday, September 19, 2008
















疾病、手部及显微手术等; 而沙登医院则专注于心脏疾病。国内各地也兴建了许多的新医院‭。
‭ ‬ *爱心的服务‭

-当金融危机爆发时,我国的中小型工业陷入信贷的困境。财政部成立了中小型工业基金来协助业 者。但是华人中小型工业无法申请获有关基金,因为,银行告诉他们,这项基金只供土著申请。 作为马华公会贸工局(包括中小型工业)主席的拿督蔡锐明,迅速与马来西亚中华工商联合会和华总开会商讨对策,在5天内即举办了由我党总会长拿督斯里林良实主持,与财政部长拿督斯里安华的对话会,吸引了超过1千名华商出席。对话取得显著成果,在会议结束后安华宣布基金开放给所有种族商家申请,同时还解决了一些其他的问题‭。




Thursday, September 18, 2008

蔡锐明攻会长, 基层反应良好

蔡銳明攻會長 基層反應良好 东方日报22/09/2008


-Decided to enter politics to help bring unity to the races of Malaysia.
- Elected President of the Malaysian & Singaporean Law Society in U.K. and Eire.
- Joined MCA.
- Elected Chairman of Tanjung Branch, Muar Division.
- Chairman of the Muar MCA
- Elected MP for Bakri
- Elected Chairman of the Bakri MCA Division.
- 2 hour speech in Parliament on the MALAYSIAN CHINESE DILEMMA
as a result of the deviations and misimplementation of the New Economic
Policy. As a result of this speech,Government responded quickly and sensitively
by calling for the 1st National Economic Consultative Council in 1989 -1990
of 150 representatives, half Bumiputras and half non Bumiputras. The fruit of
the deliberations behind closed doors was the replacement of the NEP with the
National Development Policy 1990 -2000 -an era of liberalisation in economies,
education and culture. Chinese voter sentiment changed in 1995, 1999 and 2004
from pro Opposition to pro Barisan Nasional.
- Appointed Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Health.
- Elected 2nd VP of MCA.
- Reelected as MP for Bakri.
- Appointed Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry.
- Reelected as MP Bakri
- Appointed Minister of Health
- Elected as 1st VP MCA - 3rd term.
- Period of rapid expansion. Over 30 hospitals were built or upgraded
during this period.
- Expansion of the numbers of specialist hospitals to 42.
- Establishing new heart centers in Johor Bahru, Penang, Kota Kinabalu
(Sabah Medical Centre), Kuching and Serdang. A new centre is being
completed at the new Alor Setar General Hospital.
- Establishing new cancer centres at the new Sultan Ismail Hospital, Pandan
and through the Sabah Medical Centre at Kota Kinabalu.
- Change of attitudes and work culture in which comprises of:-
a) caring in service b) working professionally c) working as a team.
The slogan of the campaign was "A smile is therapeutic".
- Recognised Taiwan degrees in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry from 7
Taiwanese Universities.
- Allowed graduates from universities in China to sit for the final year
medical examination in Malaysia.
- Developed and promoted Malaysia as the most advanced country in
establishing fully electronic hospitals.
- NASMIC (National SMI Consultative Centre) was formed with
CJM as Chairman.
- Reelected for the 4th term as MCA's 2nd VP.
- Reelected as MP for Bakri with an increased majority of 13,360.
- Reelected as MP for Bakri with an increased majority of 19,059

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ahmad Ismail must be expelled

The Ahmad Ismail issue must be brought to a close. His attempt to excuse his racially divisive rhetoric is a slap in the face to all Malaysians, regardless of party allegiances, race or religion.

His act of violence is not only an offence against Koh Tsu Koon and Gerakan, but against the entire Barisan Nasional.

His actions are a direct challenge to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Malaysian Government. With his arrogant outbursts he dares to hold the whole country to ransom.

The seditious statements he makes are in direct contravention of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution that makes all Malaysians equal before the law.

This is the time for firm action, the Prime Minister must show that he is the leader of all Malaysians and expel Ahmad Ismail from UMNO.

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet must also discuss Ahmad Ismail’s statements, one of the most seditious I have ever encountered, and have him charged under the court of law.

I urge the UMNO leadership to be firm, put out this fire before it becomes uncontrollable.

They must decide now whether it is better to sacrifice one man or to risk the entire Barisan Nasional coalition.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Questions for Dato' Chua Jui Meng for Off the Edge

1. What fails MCA? What does MCA stand for now?

MCA’s failure lies in its fear to voice its convictions.

We have the little brother mindset that prevents us from playing a more active role in formulating and deciding key policies that impact our community and our nation.

We have a post-May 13 spirit of fear that we will offend our UMNO partners and lose positions and privileges if we speak out against policies that are obviously detrimental to the unity and development of our nation.

And because of this mindset and spirit, we have lost our focus from being a political party that grapples with the big policy issues of our day, to focus on the smaller welfare programs. Though these programs are good, MCA must be a political party first and foremost!

A silent politician is no politician. Silent politics is equal to zero politics.

2. What do you think MCA should stand for?

MCA must fight to uphold the Federal Constitution, which under Article 8 declares all Malaysians as equal before the law and therefore entitled to the equal protection of the law.

MCA must stand for the fundamental tenets of Vision 2020, which is the creation of a unified and progressive nation that is socially just and prosperous.

MCA must therefore stand for, and fight for, the fundamental rights of the Malaysian rakyat.

3. What is the relevance of an ethnic-based party, such as MCA, for Malaysians today?

A mono-ethnic party that acts on its own has no relevance in Malaysia today. However, MCA must be taken in context with its alliance with the other mono-ethnic parties that comprise the Barisan Nasional. This alliance was formed on the basis of mutual respect and consensus amongst the different races post-Merdeka. It’s original creed and ideals were to align the needs of each ethnic group in Malaysia so that none are left out. I concede that the original spirit of the alliance has altered drastically – especially since the May 13th incident.
Therefore for MCA to return to relevance we must fight for the restoration of the original spirit of the Barisan Nasional coalition. And perhaps one day to even forge a single multi-ethnic party with our coalition partners.

4. Malaysians are used to being told how parties such as MCA and UMNO ‘
fight for the rights of their members’, ie the Chinese/Malay/Indians. What are these rights?

The rights as defined within the Federal Constitution, i.e. the rights to equal protection before the law, the freedom to worship as they choose, the rights to Mother Tongue education, the rights to cultural and political expression.

5. Why is it that it has taken an UMNO outcast to champion ‘ketuanan rakyat’?

Perhaps because his years in the ‘political wilderness’ humbled him enough to see the world as the man on the street desires it to be.

6. Should the MCA pull out of Barisan Nasional? The MCA has been a partner of UMNO since Independence but from a relationship that can be described as “Setiakawan” during the time of Tun Tan Cheng Lock, HS Lee, Tan Siew Sin, it has eroded over the last thirty years to become one in which UMNO is big brother and everyone else poor cousins in terms of political power. We have seen in the recent past how the MCA President has had to “kow tow” to the UMNO Youth Chief. Realistically, how can the MCA revert back to the “setiakawan” relationship with UMNO? And if it can’t happen, the Chinese community will abandon the party even more. Your comments please.

As you have mentioned we have had a long relationship with our BN partners, notably UMNO. I do not believe it is right for us to treat a relationship that old, with so much history and achievements, that lightly. To pull out now just because of the change in tides smacks of political opportunism, and the rakyat will note it with cynicism.

In as much as we blame UMNO for the loss of two thirds of all our seats, we must be frank and take responsibility ourselves as well. I warned back in 2005 that unless MCA changed, we would be rejected by the community. I asked then whether our constituents supported us because of our ideals and our policies, or did they support us just because we carry the BN flag? I asked because it seemed then even as it seems now that the people give or withhold their support to MCA on the basis of the positive or negative actions of UMNO. MCA has lost its voice, its ability to persuade based on its own merit and must borrow its prestige from UMNO.

And in an ironic twist, because we emasculated ourselves we too failed the Barisan Nasional. We should have had the courage to voice the concerns of our constituents. We failed to remember that the overwhelming victory the BN obtained in 2003 was because of the promises of change we gave to the rakyat. The MCA leadership should have been more vigorous in pushing the government in fulfilling the election pledges. Instead our leadership grew complacent.

7. We are told that if a referendum was held among party members today, the majority will vote that the party leaves BN. Your comments? And would you be prepared, on becoming president, to put this to a referendum?

Yes I have heard that sentiment voiced all across the country. However I believe that it is important first and foremost for MCA to set its own house in order. We need to become a political party of principle. And our principles must be in alignment with the rakyat. MCA must work to reconnect with our community specifically and together with BN the rakyat generally.

Ultimately, our decision to remain or leave the BN must be based on principles, not expediency. And I personally believe that a reformed MCA must help to lead the fight for reform within the BN.

As I believe MCA can be redeemed, therefore I believe UMNO and the BN too can be redeemed.

8. What are the fundamental reforms that you would advocate for the MCA, assuming that you think the party needs reforming?

Well, as mentioned earlier we need to reform our mindset, our spirit and our focus. We need to get serious on national policy, we need to find our voice to represent to the government the needs and desires of not just the Malaysian Chinese, but Malaysians in general. And to do that we need to get in touch with the rakyat again. Reconnect with them if you will.

I also believe that the MCA party itself needs to be more transparent and tolerant of dissent. I would move to limit the powers of our Disciplinary Committee so that its powers cannot be used to silence legitimate dissent within the party.

I would also convene a National Conference of party leaders, businessmen, religious leaders, educationists and NGOs to create a masterplan for the party, community and the nation. This would form one of the key strategies of reconnecting with the people and would provide a political roadmap for MCA.

9. Coming down to the nitty gritty of policy – what would you advocate for say, Chinese education? As much as UMNO is protectionist of its bastions such as UiTM, a certain Malaysian Chinese constituency will defend its right to mother tongue education.

This is one example of antagonistic and expedient political posturing that has fundamentally damaged the country’s institutions and the country itself. For example, the Malaysian student body is polarised between Malay and non-Malay, and from a young age. Would you agree, and can a party like the MCA address a very fundamental problem of this nature? How so?

Well, I would like to point out that Article 12 of the Federal Constitution states that there should be no discrimination in the allocation of funds to schools based on race or religion. So I believe it is important for MCA to remind the government that it must match the funding it gives to the vernacular and religious schools to the funding it gives to the national language schools.

And I think the general population is still in favour of preserving the right to Mother Tongue education as enshrined in our Federal Constitution. I have to disagree that the ethnic polarisation in the Malaysian student body you mentioned is due solely to the existence of Mother Tongue language schools.

I do believe we can have unity in diversity. And it matters not if we have different cultural
backgrounds, so long as we have the will and the language skill to communicate effectively with one another. So perhaps we need to strengthen our linguistic studies to ensure effective communication.

No, the ethnic polarisation in our country has much to do with the fact that the government, through the NEP, seeks to identify and classify the rakyat according to ethnic lines in order to determine the allocation of benefits and government projects.

When the NEP was first established its primary objective was two-pronged: - firstly to eradicate poverty and secondly, to remove the identification of economic activity along ethnic lines.

So for all intents and purposes the objective of the second prong of the NEP was to blur the racial lines and to create a unified Malaysian race.

I think over the years the government has lost sight of this original intent, and we find that the NEP is now entrenching ethnic divisions rather than tearing them down. I believe now is the time to bring the NEP to a close and to create poverty-eradication policies that are truly blind to ethnicity, and for national policies that will unify us. Only then can Malaysia move forward, as one nation undivided.

10. Pakatan Rakyat’s agenda for reforms in the economy and governance of the country, especially in pursuing economic policies that are driven by merit and needs rather than ethnicity. Shouldn’t the MCA support such an agenda?

Absolutely! In fact I’m saddened that through our leadership’s complacency we have surrendered this morally high ground to others.

So yes, MCA must support this agenda as a matter of principle and we must persuade our BN partners to do likewise.

11. There is a clamour for democracy from ordinary Malaysians. And yet the parties that are now in government seem unable to conduct their own elections in a democratic fashion, using a multi-layered delegate system that is prone to being corrupted instead of direct voting. Is there money politics in MCA?

Sadly I believe so. However, I believe in the decency and intelligence of the members to put their party and community first, especially at such a time as this when we are fighting for the very survival of our party.

If elected I will affirm my commitment to not be corrupt before all the delegates. I will set the tone for honest democracy within the party.

12. Would you advocate opening up the MCA’s voting process to grassroots members, and making the campaign funding of candidates more transparent?

The problem is not in the delegate system, the problem is the money politics that distorts the democratic process. It is a matter of enforcement, of the party leadership taking a firm stand to crack down on this practice. We have the party organs – the organising state secretariats, the Disciplinary Committee to investigate these claims and enforce party regulations. this is a matter of the political will to overcome this problem.

13. One that has been forgotten in the aftermath of March 8 is the promise by the government for Cabinet ministers to declare their assets, or at least their financial interests. Should office bearers of political parties in power show the way, with MCA in the lead?

When I was a Minister and even as a backbencher everyone from the frontbench to the backbench had to declare their assets.

On my part I definitely support this practice.

However I’m not sure if it should apply to all office bearers of political parties, especially if they are not holding a government portfolio and hence would still considered private citizens and therefore possess the right to privacy.

14. How different is your agenda from that of your rivals for the party leadership?

To be fair, I have yet to see their agenda on the table. I hear the word ‘change’ quite a bit but nothing concrete. I would hope to convince the central delegates that it is easy to talk about change in hindsight, which is the aftermath of our disastrous electoral showing on March 8. I however spoke about change even after the overwhelming electoral victory we won in 2003, as can be seen in my previous manifesto. That is foresight, which I contend is much more difficult and thus a more important quality to have in a leader especially in these difficult times.

I debated the revival of the NEP, first suggested by UMNO Youth and later endorsed by UMNO, with Khairy Jamaluddin in 2005, well aware then that the NEP would one day become a millstone around the BN’s neck, especially as the electorate matures and comes to expect changes from government to keep up with their needs and ideals.

I spoke about changing the way MCA does politics and how important it was for us to find our courage so that we could voice the aspirations of our people in the corridors of power.

I spoke about changing the education system so that every Malaysian child has a future and a place in our local economy as well as the global marketplace.

I spoke about upgrading our industries and retraining our labour force so that Malaysia can remain competitive in the dynamic global economy, especially in the face of the rising economic giants that is India and China.

I spoke about the urgency of having masterplans in Education, Economics, Politics and Culture to provide the roadmap and direction for the party, community and nation, where the best and brightest would be invited to be the think tank that formulates those masterplans.

I spoke about those things then, I speak about them now. And if given the opportunity to lead, I will continue not only to speak out but to strive to make these reforms a reality.

That is the real difference between me and my rivals.

March 8th was our wake up call; let MCA arise to a new dawn on October 18th!

Monday, September 15, 2008

“寄居论” 与 “内安法令”

  1. 我对星洲日报高级记者陈云清和雪兰莪高级行政议员郭素沁及著名部落客拉惹柏特拉被拘捕的消息深感震惊。











Friday, September 12, 2008

Press Conference in English

Press Conference in Mandarin

.....all men are equal before the law..

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 10, 2008): Former MCA vice-president Datuk Chua Jui Meng today expectedly announced his second bid for the MCA presidency, immediately setting the tone for his campaign by speaking out against the continued use of the "Ketuanan Melayu" slogan.
Chua Jui Meng announce his candidacy in MCAPresidential Election at Le Meridian Hotel, K.L.
"I am nobody's 'Tuan', neither is anyone my 'Tuan'. Everyone is born equal on this earth," he said in a two-hour media conference at a hotel here. "Article 8 of the Federal Constitution ensures that all men are equal. We are equal citizens of this nation."
He said such slogans will antagonise and divide the races in the country and cause young people to continue to vote against Barisan Nasional (BN).
Chua, 64, said he was firmly committed to Vision 2020 and the realisation of a Bangsa Malaysia (one Malaysian race).
Asked whether he would advocate a one-party system in BN, he said: "Not necessarily. We can still be a Bangsa Malaysia in the treatment of the law.
"We must return to the fundamentals of the Federal Constitution, which is all men are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law, so the law must not be discriminatory to anyone."

重建马华 。重拾民心 。实现2020宏愿

- 我的承诺 -
-马华 需要一名可以和巫统资深领袖谈判的总会长。
-马华 必须改变害怕得罪巫统的思维。
-马华 迫切需要进行改革多元视野。
-马华 领袖必须宣誓绝不贪污,贯彻清廉作风。
-马华 必须引进国内外精英草拟“华社经济大蓝图”


家庭背景: 已婚,育有5子

学历 : 英国法律系学士

